Frutas Antonio y Salomé (56-57)

Nº 56-57 $$$
55 out of 5 stars (based on 3 reviews)
Frutas Antonio y Salomé (56-57)

It is a public secret that Spaniards hate any cuisine other than Spanish. Fortunately, Málaga is full of foreigners and their demand probably brought the owner of this stall to specialize in exotic, mostly Asiatic roots, fruits and vegetable. If you feel like cooking Thai, this is definitely your spot. Lemongrass, galangal, turmeric, cilantro and many other exotic ingredients which are normally impossible to buy are here on sale fresh and in good variety. The price is high but sometimes, in case of withdrawal symptoms, the price does not matter.



open on

Mon. – Sat.: 9am – 2pm
Sun. : closed



Central Market Atarazanas
Calle Atarazanas, 10, 29005 Málaga

Nº 56-57